Why is My Water Pressure So Low or High?
Frequently Asked Questions
Problems with water pressure can stem from it being too low or too high. The cause is different for each and as such so is the solution. Low water pressure is more noticeable and receives the majority of complaints.
How do I know if I have low water pressure?
The biggest tell is when there is not enough water to do the job whether it’s washing and rinsing your hair in the shower, kitchen and laundry tasks. It may be more noticeable filling a cooking pot with water but low water pressure will also impact the dishwater and washing machine.

Are you the only one?
If your home is on a municipal water system, find out if your neighbours are having the same problem. If their water pressure is fine, then the problem is your plumbing system. There could be multiple reasons why this would occur. Low water pressure can also affect several different appliances such as a hot water tank, kitchen sink, or toilet as well as different parts of the plumbing system such as the main pipe that brings water into your home.
Is there a leak somewhere?
A leak in the plumbing system will affect water pressure. It will slow down the flow of water and if it is large enough, it could also lead to damage.
Look for signs of water pooling. Listen for a hiss.
Does high or low water pressure affect septic systems?
Yes, it can but it is not as common. If your water comes from a lake, river, or well, the pump could be the source of the problem. It could be a build-up at the pump or a foot valve that is taking in sand or silt and clogging the plumbing system. Also, the water holding tank at the pump could be taking in air if there is a hole in it.
If your issue is high water pressure, it can be lowered with an adjustment at the pressure switch. If the adjustment affects the bladder water holding tank, it may need to be flushed or changed.
Hard water or soft?
The type of water that you have in your plumbing system could contribute to low water pressure. Hard water tends to build up deposits of minerals in the plumbing lines which will impact plumbing appliances such as the water heater. Fixtures and faucets will also be affected. If you have added a water softener to help reduce the build of minerals from hard water, low water pressure can still happen. Problems will occur if the softener hasn’t been set up properly.
Water softeners also require maintenance. They need salt. Without it, the quality of the water will be affected and it will not soften properly. The flow of water will also be reduced if the softener hasn’t been used for a long time or if it is plugged. The colour of the water may also change if it hasn’t run for a long time. Regeneration may help. It removes the buildup of calcium and other minerals, flushes, and replenishes the softener.
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Low water pressure and municipal systems
Fixtures will be affected by low water pressure depending on the degree of hardness in the water. The hot water tank could have a build-up of calcium or silt and sand. Valves may not be fully open at the sink or under the toilet. Other issues could be due to aeration in your kitchen or bathroom faucets, shower as well as some appliances. The shower head, for example, may be plugged with dirt or calcium. Dirt or calcium may also affect different parts of the toilet tank. A water filtration system could be clogged with sediment. In addition, dirty filters will slow water pressure.
High water pressure and municipal systems
High water pressure is more common in municipal water systems. It could be happening because of a valve problem. Adjustments to the water pressure can be made with the installation of a regulator on the main water line.
The role of the valve in water pressure
The valve on the main water line coming into the house may be partially closed. It could also be partially open at the curb stop outside of the house where the municipal water system meets the residential supply. Valves may not be fully open at the sink or under the toilet.
Fixtures and faucets
Low water pressure reduces the flow of water but dirt and calcium may also be the culprit if it is affecting the toilet. Buildup can occur in the working parts of the toilet tank. Faucets and the shower head could become plugged with dirt or calcium.
Other issues affecting low water pressure
Aeration in your kitchen or bathroom faucets, shower, and even some appliances can slow the flow of water if they are plugged. A water filtration system could be clogged with sediment. In addition, dirty filters will slow water pressure. The water softener could be plugged if it hasn’t been set up properly as well as if it runs out of salt or if it hasn’t been used in a while. While it may seem obvious, demand may have an effect. Too many appliances or fixtures using water at the same time will create too big a draw, slow the flow, and lower water temperature.
Isn’t high water pressure a good thing?
Not if it’s too high. It could impact your fixtures. The toilet, instead of shutting off once it has refilled after flushing, may continue to run water. Faucets may also be impacted if the pressure is too much for them. Spitting may occur when the faucet is turned on. High water pressure can also shorten the life of your hot water tank, washing machine, or dishwasher as well as damage plumbing lines and fittings.
What’s normal water pressure?
Fixtures and faucets are designed to handle water pressure that is less than 80 psi. PSI is short for ‘pounds per square inch’. Normal psi can range from 40-60.